Friday, December 16, 2011


Please pray for Kori as she now leads several women's Bible studies - which includes several ladies from the school staff, the Principal & her daughter, and a non-believer or two.

Pray for me as I preach evangelistic Christmas messages both for the Saturday evening Youth Rally and the Sunday morning Worship Service this weekend.

This group consists of the on site staff. The lady with the purse is named Sokom, and she, our chief cook, is the grandmother of Bo (the security guard in blue - 23) and the mother of Zoua (the blond laundry girl, 19). Yeah, I know. Since we were here in June Sokom has become a believer, and now has an unmistakable joy in her countenance.
Loud (yellow cu-lots - assists in everything, 21) and her brother "E" (the custodian, 23) live on campus with the other three. They are playful and faithful - but none of the young-uns know Jesus yet.

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